
10 Career Jobs That Start With V In 2023

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There is a wide variety of career paths that start with alphabet A down to Z that an individual can follow in 2023, some of the career jobs require certificates, and some only require working experience.

If you are searching for a career job in 2023, then you are in the right place because this article is specifically written to enlighten you on different career jobs that start with V in 2023.

Jobs That Start With V

1. Vice president

A vice president is a right-hand man and assistant of the acting president of a country, an organisation, a school department and many other positions.

Qualities Of A Vice President

  • Availability
  • Proactivity
  • Accountability
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Has Interpersonal communication and relationship abilities

Job Responsibilities Of A Vice President

  • Take charge of functions in the absence of the acting president
  • Act as a leader and rule over civilians in the absence of the acting president
  • Make yourself available and attend meetings or appointments in place of your superiors
  • Record important information relayed in the cabinet meetings you attend in the absence of the president

Work Environments Of A Vice President

A country’s vice president works in the Whitehouse, a vice president of an organisation works in his or her own office, and a vice president of a school department may work in his or her own private office.

Educational Requirements For A Vice President

  • Aspiring Vice presidents are to acquire a bachelor’s degree in international relations, political science, law or social sciences.
  • A high school diploma certificate is required as well.

2. Veterinarian Doctor

A veterinary doctor is responsible for providing and administering healthcare to pets, and animals kept in the zoo, laboratory test-purpose animals, beasts of burden and sporting animals.

Qualities Of A Veterinary Doctor

  • Ability to use ultrasound machines
  • Ability to utilise medical equipment on animals
  • Ability to pay attention to detail
  • Compassionate
  • Ability to detect diseases

Job Responsibilities Of Veterinary Doctors

  • Perform checkups regularly on the animals under your care.
  • Ensure that all pet and livestock owners are enlightened on the procedures to properly care for their animals.
  • Create meal plans for severely ill animals.
  • Ensure that pain relief medicines are prescribed after every surgical procedure and disease preventive measures are taught to the animal owners.

Work Environments Of Veterinary Doctors

Veterinary doctors work as professors or lecturers in animal clinics, zoos, animal facilities, aquariums, research institutes, livestock farms, and even educational institutions.

Educational Requirements For Veterinary Doctors

  • In order to be an animal speciality doctor, you may need to acquire a bachelor of science degree in veterinary medicine.
  • You require extensive education and knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, biology, agriculture, animal management and physics.
  • A high school graduation certificate is also acceptable.

3. Virtual Reality Game Developer

The fun 3D, visually exciting games we play in today’s world are designed and developed by virtual reality game developers. 

The user experience of virtual reality games is usually very exciting, and most users are commonly required to wear headsets and hold sensors in order to play the games effectively.

Qualities Of Virtual Reality Game Developers

  • Technical abilities
  • User Experience Design Abilities
  • User Interface Design Abilities
  • Software development abilities
  • Programming and coding abilities

Job Responsibilities Of A Virtual Reality Game Developer 

  • Develop exciting 3 dimension games 
  • Beautifully design virtual reality products by collaborating with other software design professionals.
  • Ensure to detect malfunctions and troubleshoot immediately
  • Design all units, characters, levels, functional buttons and animated environments of the virtual reality game.

Work Environments Of A Virtual Reality Game Developer

Virtual reality video game developers work in collaboration with game design teams in creative studios and private offices, and they can also work remotely.

Educational Requirements For A Virtual Reality Game Developer

A VR designer is expected to own a bachelor of science degree in computer science, computer engineering, information technology, multimedia and digital communications or software engineering. 

4. Valve and pump engineers

These are engineers who design valves and pumps according to specifications that meet a user’s needs and requirements.

Qualities Of A Valve And Pump Engineer

  • Mechanical abilities
  • Technical skills
  • Adept knowledge of fluids and valves

Job Responsibilities Of A Valve And Pump Engineer

  • Design new valves according to consumer’s requirements and needs
  • Troubleshoot malfunctions regarding existing valves and pumps
  • Collaborate with other mechanical engineering teams to achieve great results in valve design tasks

Work Environments Of A Valve And Pump Engineer

Mechanical engineering companies, power plant companies, manufacturing industries, and industrial firms are common places a valve and pump engineer can work. 

Educational Requirements For A Valve And Pump Engineer

Valve engineers need to have an extensive knowledge of mathematics, further mathematics and physics and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.

5. Vascular Surgeon

The lymphatic system, arteries, veins and other parts of the circulatory system are provided medical care by vascular experts.

Qualities Of A Vascular Surgeon

  • Manual dexterity abilities
  • Analytical mindset
  • Problem solvers
  • Ability to be visuospatially aware
  • Physically fit and has good stamina

Job Responsibilities Of A Vascular Surgeon

  • Vascular system disorders are diagnosed and treated by vascular experts.
  • You are responsible for administering surgery procedures to patients who are going through severe vascular system diseases.
  • Treat wounds of the patient’s carotid artery, tibial artery, femoral artery, iliac arteries, and aortas and prescribe pain medications for the patients.
  • Prescribe disease contacting preventive measures to patients and their families.

Work Environments Of A Vascular Surgeon

Vascular units of various medical hospitals employ them, and some of them own their own medical clinics and practice independently.

Educational Requirements For A Vascular Surgeon

A high school diploma and a bachelor of science degree in biology, medicine and surgery, or health sciences or undergo and complete a surgical training program in an accredited hospital or college. 

6. Vendor

A vendor can be an individual or an entity, company or organisation with products for sale to consumers and brainstorm ideas and strategies to make sales and distribute more of their goods to their clients.

Qualities Of A Vendor

  • Ability to market goods professionally
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Interpersonal communication and relationship abilities
  • Mathematical-minded and intelligent

Job Responsibilities Of A Vendor

  • Make sales and accurately distribute goods to consumers who are in need
  • A Routine check on inventory is a vendor’s responsibility
  • Restock finished goods from the industries that manufacture the goods and products you specialise in
  • Make sure to dispose of goods that are expired
  • Work with transparency and honesty, and ethics. This way, your clients will trust you more.

Work Environments Of A Vendor

Vendors can be found working on the streets, in private or public companies, food industries, paint industries, electronic component industries, restaurants, malls, supermarkets, banks, colleges, hospitals, pharmacies etc.

Educational Requirements For A Vendor

A vendor requires a bachelor’s degree in business administration, accounting, finance and economics.

A high school diploma and a training experience in buying and selling are also required.

Read Also: 10 Career Jobs That Start With I In 2023

7. Voice Actor 

Voice actors are anonymous actors whose voiceovers are used in movies, cartoons, animes and other shows. 

They work with voice editors, voice engineers and other voice actresses and actors.

Qualities Of Voice Actors

  • English language fluency
  • Teamwork Collaboration skills
  • They have extreme voiceover talents

Job Responsibilities Of A Voice Actor

  • Mimic a character’s lip movement professionally 
  • Bring tv show characters to life and make them seem bubbly
  • Rehearse extensively before you are called to action

Work Environments Of A Voice Actor

Voice actors work in movie production firms and animation production firms; they work with cartoonists, they work in offices, and they can also work in their homes to record voiceovers.

Educational Requirements For A Voice Actor

A bachelor of arts in linguistic and communication studies, English language or literature.

8. Violin Teacher

Violin teachers are theoretically and practically adept with the musical violin. 

They help music students achieve their goals and become professionals in violin playing.

Qualities Of A Violin Teacher

  • Manual dexterity
  • Finger dexterity abilities
  • Musical note expertise

Job Responsibilities Of A Violin Teacher

  • Help music students to access their weaknesses and strengths
  • Enable the students to be experts in playing scales and violin chords
  • Tutor the students on how to read sheet music
  • Encourage rehearsals and violin practicals at least twice a week

Work Environments Of A Violin Teacher

Violin teachers work in colleges, high schools, musical firms, and schools specialising in music and online.

Educational Requirements For A Violin Teacher

An aspiring violing tutor must be a musical artist and acquire a bachelor’s degree in music. A high school diploma is required.

Read Also: 10 Career Jobs That Start With D In 2023

9. Videographer 

A videographer is skilled in producing videos, movies, documentaries, wedding shoots, and videos of other events using either drones or a camera.

Qualities Of A Videographer

  • Hardworking
  • Ability to pay attention to detail
  • Ability to capture beautiful moments
  • Ability to cover a whole event and produce beautiful videos on it
  • Ability to edit videos

Job Responsibilities Of A Videographer

  • A videographer is responsible for making beautiful videos of movies, weddings, sports competitions, graduation ceremonies etc.
  • They are responsible for editing videos for their clients.
  • Videographers are expected to deliver clients’ video coverage before the deadlines.

Work Environments Of A Videographer

Videographers work for photography firms and practice independently and own their own studios; some also work online.

Educational Requirements For Videographers 

A high school graduation certificate, a bachelor’s degree in cinematography and a working experience or internship training program completion in a photography, videography, filmography or cinematography studio.

10. Vision Therapist

Vision therapists provide sessions for visually impaired patients or patients who have severe eye problems.

Qualities Of A Vision Therapist

  • Inquisitiveness
  • Adept knowledge of everything concerning the human eyes
  • Communication skills and interactivity

Job Responsibilities Of A Vision Therapist

  • Encourage clients to talk about their ailments
  • Prescribe medications and lenses for patients who are in need
  • Schedule appointments with patients and perform routine checkups on the patients under your care.

Work Environments Of A Vision Therapist

Some Vision therapists own their own optical clinics, and both private and public hospitals employ some; visual therapists also work in optometry units and clinics.

Educational Requirements For A Vision Therapist

To be considered an optometry specialist, you may need to acquire a high school graduation certificate and a bachelor’s degree in Opthalmology.

Other Career Jobs That Start With V In 2023

  • Voice Engineer
  • Vulnerability Management Engineer
  • Vmware Architect
  • Visual Designer
  • Video Game Developer
  • Video Editor
  • Virtual Assistant 
  • VFX Editor
  • Verification Engineer
  • Vascular Technician 


Having provided different career job insights and a comprehensive list to choose a career path from, we hope that these well-detailed job descriptions of career jobs that start with V in 2023 have been very helpful to you on your journey to choosing a career path. 

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