
10 Career Jobs That Start With A In 2023

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Finding a job that fits your skill can be challenging, especially if you are looking for a career job that starts with a particular alphabet.

Every job has a description and a job requirement, in this article, we will give you a list of career jobs that start with A in 2023 and an insight into what the job is all about.

Take your next career step, a career is not just a job, it’s a combination of roles,  experiences, education and pathways you take to achieve your goals.

Career Jobs That Start With A

Let’s take a look at the career jobs that start with A in 2023:

1. Accountants

As an accountant, you will play a major role in the world of business and commerce. The main job of an accountant is the preparation and examination of financial records. As well as ensuring the accounts of your clients are accurate.

They are responsible for financial audits, reconciling bank statements, and ensuring financial records are accurate throughout the year, they also compile and analyse business information, filing tax returns and helping produce company accounts.

A good accountant is expected to be an expert in human relations and communication, and have exceptional integrity as they oversee financial records. They must have strong communication skills to present detailed information in a manner that’s easy to understand.

2. Accounting Assistant

An Accounting Assistant prepares budgets, provides administrative support to accounts, records and sends invoices for services or products rendered by company employees that have been approved by management. 

They help lessen the workload of full accountants, handle cash transactions and perform other administrative duties as needed, such as making presentations about financial reports.

Accounting assistants must present financial documents and reports in an understandable format. This demands effective oral and written communication skills.

3. Actor

An actor or actress is a person that portrays a character created by a playwright or author in a production. The job role includes doing background reading and research for their role

Actors use their own past experience as well as their training to interpret the writer’s words and bring the character to life

They also perform for a live audience or record programmes for TV, film, radio or theatre.

4. Archaeologist

Archaeologists study the ways people of the past interacted with their world, they conduct field investigations of historic and prehistoric sites, which can take place almost anywhere in the world. 

Typical duties for an archaeologist include conducting excavations, performing research and testing, maintaining inventories, and preparing sketch maps and field drawings. 

They are also responsible for making presentations and consulting with their project teams. They are expected to have excellent verbal communication skill and writing skill is compulsory.

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5. Architect

An Architect is a professional who designs buildings to create unique and well-organized structures. 

They design structures such as houses, apartment complexes, shopping centres, office buildings, and factories.

An architect consult with clients to determine their requirements, document commercial and industrial building projects and coordinate preliminary architectural studies for major new structures.

6. Academic Administrator

Academic administrators oversee administrative tasks in schools, colleges or other educational institutions. 

They are involved in matters such as curriculum development, evaluating quality and methods of instruction, researching and recommending new programs and/or revisions to existing programs, and ensuring that the organization runs smoothly.

They also manage facilities and staff.

7. Actuarial Analyst

Actuarial analysts use advanced statistics and modelling to understand data and assist actuaries. 

They produce reports on findings and identify liabilities and risks. 

They also help to design and price insurance policies, verify data sources, identify trends and develop processes for improved data analysis and reporting.

8. Animal Scientist

Animal Scientists conduct research concerning domesticated animals to better understand their growth, genetics, and other processes.

They are responsible for designing research studies, providing basic care for animal subjects, supervising lab assistants, collecting data, analyzing results, and publishing results in peer-reviewed trade journals or corporate reports.

An animal scientist is expected to have a passion for research and innovation, strong communication skills, and good leadership and teamwork skills

9. Artisan

An artisan is someone that works with their hands to create unique, functional and/or decorative items using traditional techniques. 

An Artisan engages in crafting handmade pottery and creating a wide variety of wares from functional to purely decorative.

They deal with various types of jobs including setting up an elaborate key card entry system for a corporate or for building.  

10. Attorney

An Attorney, also known as a Lawyer, provides legal advice, represents clients in legal proceedings, and draws up legal documents such as contracts and wills. 

An Attorney provides advice to clients regarding their legal rights and matters related to law. 

They act as executors, trustees, or guardians in estate and family law matters and also act as a mediator to resolve conflicts, including the negotiation of settlements of civil disputes.

Lastly, they research legal precedents and gather evidence in preparation for legal proceedings or providing legal advice

11. Auto Mechanic

An Auto Mechanic fixes vehicles and replaces their parts for customers. 

Depending on the country, the term “mechanic” may also refer to a person who repairs tools or machines and their primary duties include examining various systems within cars to diagnose problems, remove parts that are not operating properly and replace them with new or used parts.

They also perform routine maintenance like oil, filter, and belt changes according to schedules established by various car manufacturers.

Other Jobs That Start With A

  • Accounting Clerk
  • Accounting Director
  • Accounts Payable Clerk
  • Accounts Payable Specialist
  • Accounts Receivable Clerk
  • Account Executive
  • Account Manager
  • Actuary
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Admissions Coordinator
  • Aircraft Electrician
  • Aircraft Inspector
  • Aircraft Painter
  • Appraiser
  • Archaeologist
  • Architectural Project Manager
  • Artist
  • Art Director
  • Assembler
  • Assistant Construction Superintendent
  • Assistant Controller
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Auditor
  • AutoCAD Designer
  • Aviation Engine Mechanic
  • Aviation Service Technician
  • Avionics Technician


Many jobs that start with the letter A in 2023 can be interesting and exciting, always bear in mind that there is a career for you no matter the section you look forward to.

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